Personal Strengths

The central role of personal strengths create meaning and purpose in our lives. 

Personal strengths is one of the 5 pillars of psychological wellbeing in The Flourishing Programme.  Personal strengths have a key role in

  •  contributing to wellbeing by creating positive energy, personal success, and satisfaction
  • Helping children discover the world and learn about themselves “ I did that” “I made that happen” which creates a sense of autonomy and competence
  • boosting personal achievement

We need our personal strengths to flourish

Every child starts life with a burning desire to explore and learn; an inner spark of curiosity that needs to be satisfied.  The dynamic energy that we have needs to be channelled and nurtured so that each child finds what works for them. This is what is meant by the concept of strengths. Strengths are more than natural ability, they are something that we choose to use and we gain energy and satisfaction from doing so.

The book describes 20 Prime Strengths which help children develop personal, social and character based skills which makes each child unique. You will find a step by step guide to assessing your child’s natural strengths and find a rich resource of activities and strategies to help encourage your child to build on and use their personal strengths in a productive and satisfying way.

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